Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Phoebe's Baby Days...

 When Phoebe came home, Piper went to bed and Billy rocked the new baby.
Billy then put Phoebe to sleep in her nursery.
With a new little sister, Wyatt got his own room.
The house was now overrun with children, adults, and pets. Here the three dogs are playing with their chew toys and learning to be non-destructive dogs.
Jeremy giving the cat a brush. This cat is actually a really mean cat. She is constantly attacking her Sim companions. They are always ripped to shreds by her claws.

Phoebe is such a cute baby!

Piper changing Phoebe's diaper.

As a stay at home painter, Billy was able to stay at home with the baby. This allowed Piper to do other things with her time off from work. Billy painted while Phoebe slept.

Piper took over potty training Wyatt before his toddler years were over.

Billy changed his fair share of diapers too.

Piper took some time to play with Wyatt while she was off on maternity leave from work.

Jeremy practicing his golf swing on the driving range that the family purchased with some extra funds. Hopefully he won't break a window with that golf ball......................................

Piper continued to garden in the family garden and harvested the money tree a few times. If only money could grow on trees for all of us.......................................................................

The family also bought a new soccer goal. Jeremy decided to try out his skills....

Billy continued his painting. He's basically become a professional.

Before he grew up, Wyatt took some time to get some handiness with the blocks at the play table. Maybe one day the toddlers will be able to draw at these tables.....................

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